Friday, 28 January 2011

Making chai and love in Nirvana

This is me Nadedge (chief chai chica) and Fay in our homely little chai bar. Below are a just a few tokens of life at the festival as seen from inside and outside of the chai bar!

Making chai, coffee, tea and hot water for Mate, very important activities in the chai bar, as well as maintaining a constant supply of snacks and sweet breads were also readily available for purchase. Tenemos miel si quieres!

Drum lesson in the peaceful surroundings of the chillout stage zone where the chai bar was conveniently located. Great for quick dancing breaks during our shifts. In addition to this much fun was had dancing whilst inside the chai bar.

Muchos amigos de Chai. A happy haven for people to come and rest their danced out main stage feet and chat to the lovely welcoming chai chicas. We had lots of friends.
Psychedelic colours from the main floor. The stages were constructed of all natural materials like wood and bamboo and decorated with lots of stones, bones, hand crafted decorations and statuettes.

Bar friends, we had friends in all the right places!They made great refreshing smoothies as well as serving artesan beers for post work drinkies.
Firedancing from the opening ceremony of the festival. Everyone has a talent.
The chillout zone stage set in amongst the trees, next to the river and complete with hammocks and chill areas and a great line-up of performers.
A little walk along the river took you to the ´beach´ an area of the river where you could swim and which had a little sandy bank to take a siesta in the shade. Ideal when you needed a break!
We always encouraged dancing and spontaneous playfulness at the chai bar!

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