Sunday, 9 January 2011

¿Porque no?

So here are some photos from where i am currently wwoofing! I have spent most of my time working on this casa de barro, mostly working on the interior walls, which are now nearly all complete with their final layer of a rich clay colour natural paint mix. I have had a great time here in Tunuyan. I spent Christmas with the other volunteers at the next door farm Huerta de Vida where we had a mexican feast including mole, eggnog and sugar biscuits! New years was a big dinner celebration with all the community here where a big table full of family, friends and wwoofers enjoyed a feast of homemade goodness. Ramon, a friend of Jorge and Azu stayed with us at Madre Tierra for a few days and we helped him cook up a great stew of sweetcorn, pumkpin, tomato salsa, garlic, onion and multiple spices called something like Humito, a traditional Inca hotpot! We cooked it up in a huge pan on a parilla afuera and it was perfect for a slightly chilly cloudy day.

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