Friday, 22 October 2010

what goes up must come tumbling down

Hiking up Cerro Piltriquitron with some ski enthusiasts Claire and Shawn who i met in Bariloche. A couple of us tagged along with them to do the hike to the refugio for just the day. At the top we had a celbratory homemade beer. Claire and Shawn carried on to the summit so they could ski down while we hung out at the refugio (shelter where you can sleep/spend the night/eat etc) admiring the view over Bolson. We then started to make our way down the gravelly path back down to civilization. Unfortunately my accident prone tendancies reared their ugly heads and i slipped on the loose rocks and rolly-pollied a couple of times scraping my legs open along the way. Nothing that couldn´t be remedied by a quick trip to the local centro medico. This is where my `trip to the doctors´ roleplay from spanish lessons came to hand!A few doses of painful iodine solution and bandages later i was feeling much better!We spent the evening drinking lots of red wine to make up for my little accident.

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