Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Machu what now, omg the llama

Not much to say really, absolutely incredible ruins at the incan city of Machu Picchu. After arriving first thing in the morning the whole site was engulfed with mist and cloud but gradually the sun began to rise and the mist mostly cleared giving us perfect vision of the whole ancient lost city.Much time was also spent fussing over the cutest little llama happily wandering around and providing endless entertainment to the surrounding tourists...CUTE!

No sun on the isla del sol

Views of Lake Titicaca from Isla del Sol, a short boat journey across from Copacabana on the mainland. Unfortunately there was so sun in sight when we arrived but we still enjoyed exploring the little island and visiting some of the ruins on the North side.

Monday, 14 February 2011 llama

After spending a few days in the crazy capital of La Paz and satisfying our shopping desires for Andean crafts and textiles we quickly moved on to the lovely tranquilo town of Sorata set within lush farming vegetation and rolling hills with the imposing snow covered Llampu mountain in the background. Here we did a day hike out to La Gruta de San Pedro, a large cave with lots of bats and underground river resembling the Styx from the underworld where the lovely Ricardo steered us along on a little pedalo boat (5 bolivianos well spent!)
Friendly faces along the way...

palta sandwich...where´s the sal?

Arriving in Villazon after crossing the border at La Quica on the argentinian side. Culture shock number 1.
Views of varied antiplano whilst on a tour of the Salares in Uyuni. Unfortunately i was ill with a stomach infection for most of the trip but still managed to see some of the amazing sights when i wasnt passed out in the back on the 4x4.

Even covered with water the salt flats were incredible to experience with amazing reflections

Monday, 7 February 2011

indigenous inspiration

¨To play an instrument, to sing or to dance structures a way through which to live as well as a way to conceive and make sense of the world and society¨

Fine words from the museo de arte indigena in Sucre, Bolivia.